(Zurich / Paris)
Lukas Truniger is a new media and sound artist. He creates singular experiences challenging the modalities of perception, pinpointing unseen connections of artificial, natural and social systems to further blur their supposed division. He takes advantage of the mimetic nature of technology to create speculative representations of transient aspects of reality. These explorations can take the form of multimedia installations, artistic infrastructures, performances, and the creation of new musical instruments.
His work has been shown internationally in institutions and at various festivals such as MMMAD Festival in Madrid, Ars Electronica in Linz, Mapping Festival in Geneva, Burning Man in Nevada, Sonica in Glasgow, International Digital Arts Biennial (BIAN) in Montreal and International Symposium for Electronic Arts (ISEA) in Hong Kong.
Born in Zürich, he lives and works in Paris.
For this year's festival, he will create a large LED-ticker-sign displaying AI-generated rave mottos, drawn from a collective memory of hopes and wishes revolving around the dance floor. Festival-goers can add their own thoughts via a web interface. A machine learning algorithm – trained on historical rave aphorisms and truisms – is fed with the spontaneous solicitations of the audience: morphing texts between different languages, styles and ideas emerge. The generated sayings are condensing and dissolving visually on the LED screen, composed and destroyed by glitches, seemingly produced by errors on a pixel and data stream level.